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Club Activities

Although a small club, we have a wide variety of interests and activities. 

Club visits to Germany

​Since 2010 a number of club members have been making the pilgrimage to Germany for one of the big model shows. Formerly the Modellbau in Cologne and more recently the Intermodellbau Dortmund, to see the latest developments in model railways and sample German railways. Trains, German beer and food make for a most enjoyable few days away.


To add to the interest, the journey is made by rail, via Brussels (with enough time to sample the delights of this fine city).



Admiring the ICE Units


Swiss Alpine layout from the 2016 visit

Work Days​


The club aim for at least four work days per year. These are held on a Sunday at the Milland Village Hall, and are designed to give us a chance to carry out tasks on the layouts which require longer than just the few hours we have available on the Friday nights. Recently we have been publicising these to enable visitors to come and see what we get up to.



Lots of variety at Cologne station


UK Railways​


Although the club does not have a modern British outline layout, a number of members have an interest in the modern scene; with one member having a modern UK layout featured in Railway Modeller. In the past, members have gone on railtours (to Staffordshire, Suffolk and around the South East) and visited Railway Open Days; such as Crewe.


The club have organised trips in the past, including a visit to the Isle of Wight and its railways.


We have also made group visits to larger exhibitions across the country; such as Warley.


@2017 Liphook & District MRC.

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