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The club is lucky enough to have a good variety of club member's layouts, many of which are available for exhibition. Below is a selection of those available - for more details contact the club secretary.

Kenekimura - N Gauge


Kenekimura is an exercise in micro layouts, with the total board measuring 3'9" by 1’8”. It is set in central Japan, and based on the Iida line, which operates through the Japanese alps. The Iida line was famous for its cement works, which provided freight traffic until the mid 1990s, and the fact it used a variety of old style multiple units up to the early 1980s.


The layout is set in the late 70s/early 80s and features a wayside station serving a small village. The village also hosts a cement works, which provides a small but regular traffic flow; both the outgoing cement and incoming coal (for use in the cement manufacturing process). The other constituent parts for the cement arrive by road.


Passenger services are handled by a variety of overhead electric units representing the types of train seen on the line throughout this period, starting with the variety of older sets, moving on to the class 119 units which started to take over operations in the early 80s, right through to the JR central 313 and JR East 115 units which started in the 80s.


Freight services are inn the hands of the older ED19 locos, which were withdrawn in the 70s and the ED62, which lasted until the end of freight .

Kumoha 42.jpg

Buroklammer - H0


Buroklammer takes its name from the track design; the paperclip. This design allows for a longer running length in a more limited space.


Set in a rural area in southern Germany/Austria, the layout can portray operations from the 1970s through to the present day with minimal change.


Control is through DCC, with provision for automatic train operation. 


Battersea Wharf is a small south London terminus set in the Network South east era around 1990. The layout is 12ft x 1ft 6ins and is to 4mm scale on OO gauge track.


Ehrwald. N Gauge Alpine layout set in epoch 4 - 5

More layouts to be added soon

Former Club Layouts

The club has had many layouts over the years. Here is a selection of more recent models

Yamanouchi Oshika; Japanese N Gauge. 


Weyford: 00 gauge Southern Region

Woodhurst: Southern 0 gauge


Titherleigh: Southern 00 gauge

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