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Club Night Activities - 1 September

And before you know it, summer comes to a close. The nights draw in, the temperature starts to drop (not that is has been particularly high this year!). Maybe an 'Indian Summer' will be upon us, as seems to be the custom for September; a few nice and sunny days timed perfectly for the return to school! Autumn also means a return to more indoor pursuits, with numbers at the club more consistent on a weekly basis meaning more activity on the layouts.

Our most recent club night was a flurry of activity, completing the fiddle yard renovations for Friedrichstrasse and making a proper start to the 00 layout, now christened 'Avington'.

Work continues apace on Friedrichstrasse, with the factory area taking shape. The factory itself as been detailed and fitted out with lights. Also installed are the first of two spotlights which will fully illuminate the scene, the second will be fitted in the near future once the perimeter wall as been added. A concrete wall has been constructed to act as this perimeter for the factory yard. The gap beside the girder bridge will be bridged in the near future one the second small wall light and fencing have been added. Plenty of scenic detailing is still to come on this section...

Elsewhere on the layout, the fiddle yard is progressing well. Most of the track has been laid and the wiring is advanced. Both are expected to be completed within the next couple of weeks. The board below is one of the side return boards to the fiddle yard. The wiring may look sparse, but actually all that is missing is the main service bus wire which connects the entire layout together.

The main fiddle yard boards are nearly there, with the board below the least advanced. All points are fitted, wired and tested, so all that remains are the outstanding straight sections. These will be completed very shortly.

What is this we see? A new layout underway? Yes indeed, work has started on the replacement for Titherleigh. 'Avington' depicts a small wayside station in the south of England, set on a preserved railway.

Owing to a local event meaning the hall is unavailable, there will be no club meeting next Friday (8th September).

We are also have a work day scheduled for Sunday 24th September at the Milland Memorial Village Hall from 10:00 - 16:00, with both Friedrichstrasse and Avington set up for working on. The intention will be to run trains on Friedrichstrasse, so if anyone is around in the Milland area feel free to drop in and see us.

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