We start this update with a couple of exhibition invites for later this year. To start with, 'Inspired by Friedrichstrasse' will be at the Fareham MRC show, held on the weekend of 7-8 October 2023.
The following weekend, Titherleigh will be attending the Farnham MRC show - 14-15 October.
The work on the Friedrichstrasse fiddleyard has been continuing at pace, with the first half of the boards completed. Now we are moving onto the second set of boards, with tracklaying underway between the return board and the fiddleyard. The Holes for the point motors can be seen in this picture.

Hopefully we will see the tracklaying completed on the fiddleyard within the next month or so, with the wiring imminent.
The 00 team have been rethinking the design for their new layout. Deliberations have turned to building a terminus layout, keeping within the 16' length originally intended as the scenic section. The cork underlay visible is a remnant of the earlier concept and will be modified accordingly.

Away from the modelling, Portsmouth received a famous visitor the other week, and at least a couple of club members were on hand to witness the spectacle. Not sure how often a member of the LNER A3 class made its way down to the south coast in its service days, but 'Flying Scotsman' most certainly proved to be popular with the assembled crowds.
