Tonight we set up the boards for the new N gauge layout. They are extremely well made, complete with lighting pelmet frames. They were only set up with single bolts in this picture, which is why the pelmet has a slight sag. Once tightened that sag will vanish. These boards were built for a former member of the club for one of his projects, which sadly had not been started at the time of his passing. The club is very grateful to his family for gift of these boards.
The Unitrack on the board was only for sizing and discussion purposes, the actual track will be PECO Code 80 flexitrack and the layout will be set in the Mid-West of the USA (the group of states in the north of the US including Illinois, Wisconsin, Missouri and the Dakotas) in the 21st century. The scene will be the characteristic low, flat prairie country, interspersed with various industries of assorted sizes; some of which will be rail-served.
The name is to be decided and work is to start in the very near future.
Also at last night's meeting one of our members brought along his latest 3D Printing project; a set of 009 slate wagons. For those who are unaware of 3D printing, this is the process of effectively printing three-dimensional shapes with various polymers and resins. More details around the technique are here.
Here is an example of one of the 3D printed wagons beside one of the recent r-t-r offerings from Bachmann.

There are a few of these new wagons off the production line, along with 3D printed slate loads as well. They will look very impressive once complete behind this rather pretty little thing...

...a PECO/Kato 'Small England' 0-4-0. We have a couple of narrow gauge fiends at the club, so this project certainly has captured the interest of the membership.
Finally there were discussions around a future 00 gauge layout to replace Titherleigh. What could it be?

Well, the idea of a rural station on a secondary line in Southern England seems to be the popular approach at present. Based on a real location? Or perhaps inspired by a real location. We shall see over the coming months...
Exciting to see 2 new layouts being planned! Looking forward to being involved. :)