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Showtime! x2


Updated: Nov 11, 2023

Like buses, you go ages without a show and then suddenly two come along at once!

This October saw both club layouts venturing out to the very similar sounding Fareham and Farnham shows, both only a week apart. First out was 'Inspired by Friedrichstrasse', which made its way south to the Fareham Club's annual exhibition. This was the layout's first outing since April 2019, and a lot has changed since then. The most significant and recent change has been the new fiddle yard, which performed exceptionally well over the weekend. Exhibitions are hard work, on the operators, layouts and stock, so we were pleased that there was very little drama during the show (a couple of connectors needed fixing and that was about it).

We were also extremely flattered to win the 'best in show' award; no mean feat considering some of the other layouts in attendance.

Here are a few pictures of the layout at the Fareham show.

The following week, Titherleigh made its final exhibition appearance at the Farnham club show. Again, the layout was well received and performed well. Sadly there are no pictures recording this farewell show; however club will not be saying a final goodbye to the layout as it is being retired into the care of one of the builders. It may reappear in the future, but in the meantime thank you Titherleigh!

With the retirement of Titherleigh, our 00 team are working away on their new 00 layout. Further updates will be forthcoming, as well as the start of work on our new N gauge layout. Lots of exciting developments on the horizon!

Finally, we will not be having club meetings for the next couple of weeks due to other hall commitments, so our normal club nights will not resume until Friday 24th November.

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@2017 Liphook & District MRC.

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